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Aenean blandit sem id sem dignissim, ut euismod justo molestie. In rutrum scelerisque urna pharetra. Nullam ut porta arcu nullam posuere eleifend nisi et sagittis. Donec imperdiet, odio et tempus consequat, massa metus consectetur magna. Vel congue turpis massa non erat. Ut nec eleifend ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi augue felis, fermen tum eget auctor et, accumsan sit amet arcu.

  • 1. Potential recruits must show their face in photographs
  • 2. Photographs must be real and up-to-date (ideally taken within the last 6 months)
  • 3. Potential recruits must not wear too much make-up in their photographs, to ensure that the pictures are an accurate representation of you
  • 4. Similarly, photoshop can only be used for minor tweaks to pictures - any that have botched edits or have clearly been heavily photoshopped will not be accepted.
  • 5. At least one of the pictures must be a selfie.
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